This message is intended to provide an update to the customers of Montgomery County Municipal Utility District No. 105 (“District”) regarding the events that led to imposing the recent water usage restrictions and the anticipated timeline for lifting those water usage restrictions.

  • Background.
    • On Friday, April 12th, a water well failure occurred at the District’s water plant facility, resulting from bearings within the well “locking up” and causing significant damage to other equipment within the well.
    • Immediately following the well failure, the District’s water operator, MDS, took action to allow for District customers to receive water supply from the District’s two emergency water interconnects with adjacent suppliers.
      • This allowed the District to deliver uninterrupted, adequate water supply and pressure to its customers over the past two weeks while the District analyzed what work would be necessary to restore water supply from its water plant.
      • Unfortunately, the limits of water supply from the emergency interconnects necessitated imposing Stage 2 water restrictions upon our customers in order to ensure that adequate water supply and pressure for non-outdoor water usage could continue to be provided.
  • Next Steps.
    • On Thursday, April 25th, the District completed the televising necessary to determine the work that would be required for restoration of water supply from its water plant. Contractors are now beginning work to set a well pump and install the other machinery within the well to allow the water plant to resume normal operations. Once that work is complete, sampling and testing can begin to ensure that the water supply from the plant is fit for public consumption.
    • Once testing is complete and a timeline for lifting water restrictions is clear, that timeline will be promptly communicated to our customers on this website and by text alert.
      • It is the goal of the District to enable the lifting of the water usage restrictions next week.
      • We will provide a further update on Monday on the progress of work at the water plant and timeline for testing.
    • Following restoration of normal operations, the District will conduct a thorough review of the water well failure to mitigate the risk of this happening again.

The District wishes to convey its sincere gratitude and appreciation for the patience and collective effort of its customers in reducing the strain on the District’s water system while its team could put a restoration plan in motion. We will continue working as hard as we can to get back to normal and lift the restrictions on outdoor water use and watering as soon as possible.


Montgomery County Municipal Utility District No. 105