Current Status:
- Well Pump remains out of service at the Water Plant.
- Work continues to bring the Well back online (Initial estimate of 1 week stands for now, though this is subject to change)
- Two emergency interconnects are providing the district with water
- This currently meets our needs and is being monitored
- Stage 3 Mandatory Water Restrictions remain in place until further notice
- This is to preserve the water system; outdoor watering could cause us to draw more water than the interconnects can provide
- The district has no current plans to levy any surcharges (200% for amounts over 10,000 gallons used stated in the Drought Contingency Plan)
- An insurance claim has been started and we don’t currently see any impact to customer water bills or tax rates
- Notifications have been made to Conroe ISD and South Montgomery County Fire Department.
- Additional alerts will be sent out reminding users of the water restrictions
- Updates will be provided as they become available regarding restoration of service from the Well
- Please feel free to email with any questions